Brian’s Arcade Stereo

Brian specializes in classic arcade machines, but what vintage arcade is complete without music? “It’s sort of the quintessential 80’s pic, with the ‘box sitting atop my Ms. Pacman cocktail arcade game. This is the only 80’s boombox I have, but it’s the typical high quality Sony with AM/FM, shortwave and a good cassette deck. Runs on 6 “D” batteries and has a voltage selector for 110/220VAC input. I got this about six months ago on ebay, still new in the box. I’ve wanted a classic 80’s portable like this for some time, and was pleased to find this excellent example. Everything on it works great and it sounds good.”

Toshiba WX-1

Our buddy Dean from Boston visited a friend in New York and was floored to see his apartment peppered with systems like this Toshiba “Bom Beat” WX-1. Says Dean, “This is the ADRES model (Automatic Dynamic Range Expansion System) with insane mixing and EDITING capabilities, phono preamp, some unusual detachable speaker setup, double cassette, SW1&2, Toshiba “Passive Radiator” speakers, and more than a few offbeat controls like “Beat”. Owner is a paint collector, check out the cans on the side for sizing.” By the way, Dean is a spray paint can collector; check out his site rustmagic, an effort to preserve classic aerosol and spray paint cans.