Jay has vivid memories of this one. In 1982, his local K-Mart store was closing out the KMC2000 calculator/clock combo. They were marked down to $4 from an original price of about $25 and he wanted this one bad. But would Jay’s mom give him an advance on his lawn mowing allowance? Newoooooooooooooooooooooooo! Instead, Jay had to wait about fifteen years to find this used model for…yes, $4! Still love you, mom 🙂
Author Archives: pocketcalculatorshow
Casio JQ-100
Zykkor TC-1 Calculator
We know little about Zykkor, except that they manufactured camera equipment and little calculators like these. This little TC-1 is as cute as it is functional giving you the requisite calculating power and full clock and alarm options to boot. We have had a few of these for sale in black and red but they’re gone.
Lloyd’s Accumatic Dual LCD Calculator
Toshiba Liquid Crystal Calculator
Monroe Litton LCD Clock Calculator
Pierre Cardin Calculator Clock Radio
Sanyo All-In-One Calculator
Here’s Sanyo’s all-in-one calculator, the RPM6950: a calculator, clock, and an AM/FM radio. It’s part of the fancy Horizon Collection, a product line that consisted of sleek and innovative products. Don’t be deceived by the design, the tuning is not digital. There’s a small dial on the top for that.
Panasonic RX-7000
Anyone ever see one of these in real life? This rates up there with Panasonic’s RX-7700 as one of the coolest systems of all time. The RX-7000 was probably marketed to the audiophile crowd, as it bore wood grain side panels and controls that resembled those of a home receiver. The cassette featured logic access and, oh my, is that a wired remote control on the left? The $700 price tag would be a steal in today’s market. Click here to calculate what $700 in 1981 is worth today. Thanks, Tracy West for providing this gorgeous photo!