This laughable Yorx featured three cassette drives– one was detachable, doubling as a walkman. Probably released sometime in 1986 or 1987. Hitachi thought of this idea first, The detachable walkman idea never caught on.
I had one. Wasn’t the best sounding but it was good enough to record from the radio, it actually recorded pretty good, and the detachable cassette was nice to take to school. Cool if you couldn’t have a box and a walkman.
I had one of these, I loved it. I would detach the walkman and listen to it at night while I slept because my parents insisted the music needed to be turned off.
I had one. Wasn’t the best sounding but it was good enough to record from the radio, it actually recorded pretty good, and the detachable cassette was nice to take to school. Cool if you couldn’t have a box and a walkman.
I had one of these, I loved it. I would detach the walkman and listen to it at night while I slept because my parents insisted the music needed to be turned off.